Thursday, September 25, 2014


Wir brauchen hier wohl mal wieder eine kleine Aufklärungsrunde. Nachhilfeunterricht für die blinden und schlafenden Systemsklaven. Es wird hier für alle Zeit ein bisschen aufzuwachen jetzt. Ob ihr das wollt oder nicht. Es verschwindet nicht indem man es ignoriert oder zerredet. Eher im Gegenteil. Und man kann an diesen Texten mal wieder wunderbar die Parallelen zu unserer Geschichte hier erkennen. Was für kein Zufall. Wir kennen das ja schon. Schliesslich sind wir hier alle ja schon eine längere Weile unterwegs an Bord dieses verrückt lustigen Endzeitspaceschiffchen. Nicht wahr. Und darum gibts hier eine schöne Bettlektüre für alle, die es wirklich wissen wollen.


"It (the ring) is Egyptian. Here the serpent is carved, which symbolizes Christ.  Above it, the face of a woman; below the number 8, which is the symbol of the Infinite, of the Labyrinth, and the Road to the Unconscious. I have changed one or two things on the ring so that the symbol will be Christian. All these symbols are absolutely alive within me, and each one of them creates a reaction within my soul."
(C.G. Jung)

The image of the serpent has been corrupted by the will of man. Yet, beyond the scope of his vision, it readies itself at his root, preparing to return him to the Godhead upon his death.

Today, we are all witnessing a simultaneous deterioration of geopolitical and geological stability, increase of UFO abduction related phenomenon and a rapidly changing climatological environment. The psychological pressure associated with these shifts in reality is compounded by the fact that many believe that we are experiencing the unfolding of prophecies handed down to us by generations passed.

We have all been told through the prophecies of many religions and cultures around the world that our generation will witness the unveiling or the "revelation" of the true reality in which we live. Our species is struggling with impeding global disaster brought upon us by natural and man made causes, thus we find ourselves desperately reaching into the shadows for answers. I believe that this is no more evident than in our interest in "New Age."

The information that "New Age" is founded upon is not new at all. Long ago, secret societies made every effort to remove the truly powerful esoteric knowledge from public libraries so they could drunkenly abuse and use it to dominate Earth's inhabitants. Many of the sacred mysteries that enable one to attain their true source of inner power have existed here in on the American continent for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of years. UFOs, alien beings, cosmic cycles, atomic manifestation and other "mysterious phenomenon" still survive within the legend, myth and lore of the red race of beings known as the American Indian.

By studying these stories and those of other ancient civilizations, we can translate the truth into modern day linguistics and expand our view of the reality in which we belong. Archaic wisdom transforms our spiritual link with corporeal matter. The words may change and the cryptic way in which brotherhoods have passed down secrets may have become more difficult to decipher, but "the truth is out there" for us to discover . . . if you want it.

According to the ancient writings and petroglyphs of the area of our Earth considered to be the cradle of humanity, namely Mesopotamia or Iraq, there existed a god like race of beings that ruled over a region of the Tigris-Euphrates river valley known as Sumeria. This society apparently flourished around 3500 B.C. and was remarkably advanced in their culture. According to their sand pitted records, their rulers or "gods" were humanoid creatures of extraterrestrial origin that descended in magical crafts, or rocket like ships. Their image was cast into history in the form of reptilian-humanoid statuettes that over fired to a green hue color.

The surviving clay tablets from this area of the world declare that before Homosapiens walked upon the Earth, these "gods" did much of their own manual labor. In order to achieve a higher standard of living, this nonhuman society genetically created a new form of life by mixing their own DNA with that of the evolutionary mammalian man or "Ape-Man." The successful results of this experiment yielded a new breed of worker class known as Homosapiens.

In the beginning, apparently, these god-like race of beings immensely enjoyed the benefit of having their slaves endure the hardships of manual labor. Excavation, farming, building and mining operations were the toil of this new born race. This labor, however, was not provided willingly. It was forced through the use of severe and ruthless governorship.

These, not so bright, beings suffered greatly under the firm rule of their strange looking gods and their misery did not go unnoticed by a few of the nonhuman masters. According to the Sumerian tablets, inside the god society, a conspiracy was brewing to free Homo sapiens from their bonds of slavery and teach them the spiritual and scientific knowledge necessary to uplift their essence to a god-like stature. Apparently, the name of this rebellious reptilian being leader was Enlil or Ea.

The Sumerian tablets tell us that the rebel God called Ea was the extraterrestrial being that controlled the genetic creation of Homosapiens in abeyance to the instructions of his superiors. After his involvement with the original genetic experiment, his compassion for the plight of the slave race shifted his role as a genetic engineer to that of a freedom fighter. It is also related that Ea’s headquarters was in a swamp like area he called "Snake Marsh" because it was also a den to many reptiles or snakes. In other words, the first fight for freedom took place in an area known as Ea-Den.

It's an interesting point that, according to Biblical text, a snake or "reptilian" not only seduced Eve, the first female caretaker of the garden, away from the arms of Adam, but also gave them knowledge in a beautiful garden called E-DEN. We are also told that this was done against the wishes of his superior and, as punishment for this treasonous act, the progressive reptilian and his cohorts were ordered to remain underground, within the vast cavern systems of the earth. Along with this punishment, it was ruled that the reptilian was to never interfere with humans again and that their generations will not only not know of each other, but will learn to hate each other. This last declaration was initiated by changing the name of the reptilian being from "Lucifer" which literally means the bringer of light or knowledge to "Satan" or adversary. The Sumerian texts also relate a somewhat similar fate for the reptilian being called Ea.

The teachings of the reptilian Ea, thereafter referred to as the esoteric mysticism of the snake brotherhood, caused a major shift in the perceptions of reality for the early Homosapiens. It is in the assorted descriptions of this turning point in human evolution that we get our first glimpse as to what these advanced beings actually looked like in comparison to our own physical characteristics.

The symbolical tree of knowledge, the Palm tree in Ea-Den, is depicted as having a trunk around which a half-man, half-snake being is entwined. It is from this tree that the rebellious reptilian taught the human, Eve. As the information was absorbed by Eve and hence passed onto Adam, their perceptions of awareness and reality quickly shifted, rendering the two in a severe state of shock and fear (thus, it is said that a person who is totally unaware of the reality in which they live, resides in an "Edenic state"). The legend explains that, soon thereafter, they both ran from the voice of God, not because they had their first sexual relationship with each other or that they were shy of their nakedness, it was because they were suddenly aware that there was a profound physical difference between the Gods and themselves. The reptilians had scales covering their bodies as a form of protection from the elements and the Homosapiens suddenly realized that they didn't. Until this time, the Homo sapiens had no conception that they were in any way physically different from their reptilian counterparts. They had finally leapt from their childlike ignorance of their situation into to the realization that they were intended, by design, to be tillers of the field and slaves to the other reptilian overlords.

Years later other messengers also arrived upon the scene and, once again, attempting to free mankind from the bondage of slavery by teaching spiritual and magical knowledge. They also were punished severely by the rulers of the population. One difference was, however, that instead of being labeled "Satans" or adversaries, one was named Quetzalcoatl or "Feathered Snake" and the other the Savior Yashua, or Christ.

The symbolism of the tree of knowledge is not limited to the Christians, but it is also represented by the Banyan tree from under whose branches the East Indian God Krishna sat upon a coiled serpent and bestowed upon man spiritual knowledge. Another reptilian God whose death upon a crucifix was etched into stone was that of Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god of the great Toltec and Aztec civilization. The wooden crucifix upon which those that endowed knowledge upon mankind are crucified represents, not only the sigil of the supreme God called the Tau or ankh, but the crucifix also represents the trunk and branches of the tree of knowledge. For their teachings, they were killed.

The remarkable fact is that throughout all ancient and modern civilizations, the serpent or dragon bestowing knowledge upon the human race figures prominently in all religions and histories. The Christian reptilian or "fallen angel" LUCIFER, the Mayan serpent God QUETZALCOATL, the enormous plumed serpent God of the Hopi Indians, BAHOLINKONGA, the East Indian mystical human like reptilians known as NAGAS, the Egyptian serpent God KNEPH, The Phoenicians AGATHODEMON and even the Hebrews NAKHUSHTAN or Brazen Serpent that led Moses and the Israelites through the desert by pillar of cloud and fire. These are but a few of the vast amount of records that exist world wide and describe their early gods as having reptilian-human like physical features as well as having descended from the heavens or stars.

From within the shadows and crevices of the earth their influence upon all mankind can be no more evident than when one considers the ancient British god who was considered "The Dragon-Ruler of the World." His subjects called him HU - thus we call ourselves Hu-Man!

Many of the individuals, in the course of written history, who have given the masses powerful information, whether it's political or spiritual, have had either their credibility destroyed or their bodies destroyed. Most of the times it's both. If the information has taken root before it can be erased, then history has demonstrated that newly founded "insurgence" groups or movements are quickly infiltrated by the opposition and allowed to flourish under the guidance of their own secret shadows. This is not only a premise by which groups struggle for control in affairs of war, secret societies and politics, but also the struggle of balance of power in religion. The mystical knowledge given to man by the snake brotherhood suffered under this same manipulation. For thousands of years, the high priests of religion encrypted the mystical knowledge that was passed onto the humans by the reptilian race and used that knowledge to control, manipulate and spiritually enslave those at the bottom of the pyramid.

Reptilian beings displayed both benevolent and evil characteristics at different times in history. They have taught peace, love, spirituality, healing and knowledge of the sciences and, as the Delaware Indians describe in their ancestral mythology, they have rained down destruction upon the Earth in the name of God. This is why various cultures recognize the reptilian image as effigies of the balance of nature. In other words . . . Good-Evil, Negative-Positive. It is, perhaps, not to far out to imagine that on some other planet or in some other dimension, the human figure might also symbolize both aspects of good and evil, positive and negative.

Legends from different parts of the globe all tell of underworld inhabited by mystical beings of varied forms. I believe that the reptilian races, consisting of both benevolent and evil beings, still reside to this day underground, hidden away in the dark crevices of the Earth and in the depths of the oceans. The evidence supporting this proclamation is also available through recent reports and historical documentation.

First, and most important, is our understanding that our own United States government has duped us to believe that the wonders of the universe lie beyond our reach. That our progress to understanding who and what we are as intelligent life forms rest solely on the efforts of the inept workings of NASA, JPL and a myriad of other money sucking aerospace corporations. Almost fifty years of continued rat experiments outside the envelope of our planet and we are to believe that this is the ultimate pace of human exploration! This is absolutely not the case. Publicly viewed space exploration is nothing more that a magic show and, as most people realize, when the magician says to look at his right hand, his left is doing all the work. Such is the case with exploration. If you really want to get to see the big show, don't look above your head, look below your feet.

Investigation into the interior of the Earth began with map surveyors and explorers venturing out into unknown territory in order to chart the wilderness. Once in a while, they'd come across a cave or cavern and then descend into its depths to hopefully find treasures or artifacts. Once these hollowed out recesses of the Earth along the coastlines were discovered, their location was kept secret and certain groups of individuals purchased the properties. They used, and still use, their subterranean chambers for illegal activities, social gatherings or modes of concealed travel for reasons of their own. Some say that Washington, D.C. was purposely established above a huge catacomb, so certain Freemasonic fraternities and the like could utilize their hidden corridors while governing the nation. I believe that may have been the case.

Large oil interests modernized seismic technology and geological exploration with an ever increasing pace. Due to this wave of subsurface exploration, more and more artifacts were discovered that defied mainstream historical and explanation. As these artifacts were collected by USGS and Smithsonian Institution employees, they were concealed from the public, carefully studied by unknown entities within and outside of the Federal administration and then mysteriously lost.

According to Thomas Edwin Castello, a former Dulce Base security officer, this particular underworld city is a highly secret base operated by humans as well as reptilian aliens and their worker cast, the commonly encountered greys. It is here, apparently, that a multitude of experimentation projects are carried out. The projects are, apparently, primarily genetic in nature and are carried out either men, women or children that have been declared missing by authorities. There is a myriad of other specialty science projects taking place at Dulce base including, but not limited to, Atomic manipulation, cloning, studies of the human aura, advanced mind control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, visual and audio wiretapping, the list goes on.

If it was true that this base existed long before human occupation, then it construction and layout may possibly tell us something about its original occupants, the reptilians. We know this because the sacred teachings of ancient metaphysics relate that imagery created by ritualistic and intelligent beings often contain information occulted in symbolism.

From a vertical viewpoint, it resembles a wheel with a central hub and corridors radiating outwards like spokes. This "hub" is the focal point of the entire base. It is surrounded by central security and extends through all levels of the base. I believe this core to be the Achilles heel of the entire facility. It probably contains fiber optic communications and power lines. This would justify its highly guarded and central location as well as explain its vertical continuation through all levels. With all communication lines and power lines focused towards the hub, it is possible that any level could be completely "locked down" by its own security or the security hubs from either above or below its own level. This would provide maximum control over the entire facility.

The "spokes" or corridors radiating away from the central hub, lead to numerous other labs in five different directions. Connect the spokes and a pentagon is revealed in its design. From above, this base resembles the layout of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Complete with halls, walls and military insignias! Since we do not have the exact heading of its corridors, magnetic alignments are impossible to determine.

In the southwestern region of the United States, specifically the four corners area of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, one can find remnants of the most ancient of all American Indian cultures. The Hopi Indian tribe.

The Hopi live out their fairly non progressive and ritualistic lives atop mesas on a reservation located in the north eastern portion of Arizona. They originated from the eastern part of the Grand Canyon and slowly migrated eastward to where they reside today. Surrounded by the progressive and formerly nomadic Navaho nation, they await the forthcoming Great Purification or, as many people call it, the day of Revelation.

The religion and myth of the Hopi Indian are based upon the worship of the snake. Their legend of Genesis also recounts how reptilians or snake people played an important part in their ancestry.

Today, the ancestors of the Hopi tribes are referred to as their Snake brothers or El-der brothers and their reverence towards their reptilian ancestors is evident throughout all ceremonies of the Hopi Indians. When their most sacred of all underground kiva rituals are performed, that of the Snake dance, rattlesnakes are present to hear their prayers. These snakes are then later released into the wilderness so as they can return to the gods of the Underworld with the tribes prayers.

According to Hopi myth, they used to live in a great subterranean underworld alongside a race of beings called the Ant people. These Ant people, which might by today's standards be considered grey aliens, helped feed and clothe the Hopi during their lives in the Underworld. One day, under the direction of their matriarchal Goddess Spider woman, they ascended to the surface by way of a hollowed bamboo shoot which sprung forth through an opening in the ceiling of their cave called the Sipapuni.

They say that soon after their arrival on the surface, a mocking bird came along and confused the language of the Hopi, the results of which encouraged them to break up into small clans of different languages. This is remarkably similar to the story of the Tower of Babel. One day soon there after, an exceedingly bright star, or star-ship, appeared above them in the sky. Believing it was a God, they followed it during it’s journey across the sky. They did so until it stopped in one place. When it stopped, some of the Hopi remained and settled. When the star later appeared, the other Hopi followed it until it stopped once again. This continued until all the Hopi were settled. This is the Hopi description of the original planting of their race.

Various pieces of evidence accumulatively indicate a strong relationship between the human and reptilian species. Mytho-histories of aboriginal tribes across the world record their presence on the surface of the Earth. Underground cities that are reported to exist in the southwestern United States, such as Dulce base and the Hopi Indian Sipapuni, appear to have been constructed by reptilian beings, experiencer reports continue to describe contacts with nonhuman life forms that have a reptilian anatomy and the human brain reminds us of how the human race evolved from reptiles.. This reptiliform influence is more than just symbolism. It appears to be a manifested reality in our lives that refuses to disappear.

The reptilian beings are on Earth now, they always have been on this planet and, if we can overcome our inherent fear of the reptilian image and understand how it has been used against us, we will one day realize that, although we are physically different, we are from the same primordial essence.

Reliable sources have reported that some extra-terrestrial reptilian beings might be considered a race of intergalactic invaders. Unwelcome intruders that come from a region of space known as Alpha Draconis. Their apparent objectives are to seek out new life throughout the universe, conquer it by any means necessary, and use the spoils of their invasions as natural resources to fuel their ongoing goals.

They traverse the universe towards their intended destination in a mother ship which is a directed Planetoid/Asteroids base station. (Note: Some people theorize that the reptilian mother ship locates and follows closely behind comets heading in the same general direction, using the gravitational field to pull the planetoid along through space. The comet’s body also acts as a stellar debris impact shield and prevents any approaching civilization from observing their mother ship’s advance.)

During their long voyages, the majority of the ET reptilian population on the mother ship live in a state of hibernation. A contingency of reptilians manage the daily operations of the craft and maintain hibernation chambers. In addition, they send scout ships containing military and scientist types to the planetary system they are approaching, and establish underground posts on a planet of interest, such as. . . EARTH.

The reptilian military ET’s ensure the continued secrecy of their presence, carry out abductions of various life forms on the surface of the planet, and investigate the technological advances of the surface inhabitants. The scientific ET’s study the planet’s life biological forms, introduces their reptilian genetic code into whatever species displays traits they want to manipulate, and initiates a program of genetic crossbreeding.

From their underground bases, the reptilian military ET’s set the stage for the mother’s ship invasion by establishing a network of human-reptilian crossbred infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture’s military industrial complexes, government bodies, UFO/paranormal groups, religious, and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic “mind-control” instructions, act out their subversive roles as “reptilian agents”, setting the stage for an reptilian led ET invasion.

Just prior to planetary approach, the large reptilian population aboard the planetoid awakens from their hibernation and prepares for battle. When the invasion takes place, it is from above and below the planets surface. Strange craft, piloted by reptilians, greys and human-reptilian agents, descend from the clouds while others ascend to the skies from the underworld of caverns and sub-cities, overwhelming the surface cultures in a totally unsuspecting manner.

After the surface inhabitants discover the futility of fighting off their invaders with their technologically inferior weaponry, a surrender is negotiated. Once the invasion is complete and the surface inhabitants yield to the demands of their new rulers, the reptilian mother ship strips the planet of its resources such as water, ores and genetic (DNA) information, then, having turned the planet into a new “Base of Operations”, the reptilian ET’s set out for the next “pearl” in space.

There is another perception as to the origin of the reptilian beings and that is that they are true “Terrans.” Having evolved from the dinosaurs that escaped the climatological disasters on the surface of the planet (brought about some 65 million years ago by a asteroid-Earth impact) by going into the underworld of caves and caverns. After having millions of years in which to adapt to their new underground environment and evolve into a highly intelligent species, they are said to have become a technologically advanced species that overseers and manipulates surface humans.

As Inner or Ultra-dimensional beings, the reptilians are thought to have originated from a neighboring frequency dimension we might recognize as the realm of the Dead (the location to which our soul matrix goes to upon death), also called Devechan (the Hindu region of the in-between or afterlife.)

The atoms that comprise the Inner dimensional reptilian beings’ physical bodies are spinning at a different rate than our own and the frequency of the spin is outside normal human visual perception. Just as the frequency matrix of a human soul can remain in our dimension and be perceived as ghosts, reptilian beings inhabit the same frequency region as do spirits or ghosts, but are able to materialize their forms into the third “dense” dimension to physically interact with “living” humans.

This transfer from fourth to third dimension and back was, for a time, not easy for them to do. (Some people believe that the reports of “rains” of frogs, rocks, fish etc. that were recorded in the later half of the eighteen hundreds were early attempts by reptilian scientists to send inanimate and animate life forms through the dimensional barrier that divided the two frequency realms.) After the first atomic atmospheric test was conducted over the desert floor of New Mexico in the early 1940's, the resulting Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) permanently split the dimensional barrier open in that one area. And, through this newly formed dimensional portal, the military-scientific industrial complex of the reptilians race poured forth in their craft and began to occupy the third dimension in force. (Every consecutive atmospheric nuclear detonation that has since occurred may have created other “Portals of Entry”).

Some ultra dimensional beings are thought to be able to reside in the deepest levels of the underworld for indefinite periods of time because the deep rock shielding and proximity to the center of the Earth require densified matter around the frequency shell of a conscious being. These non-physical inner Earth reptilians are also considered Astral Intelligences, Fallen Angels or Demons of the Underworld (Hell).

It has also been suggested that from this astral state, they have managed to provoke humans into warfare and situations of stress and fear to extract various auric (emotional) frequencies for their own purposes. Through the highly suggestive human consciousness, these negatively charged reptilian “energy leeches” or “psychic vampires”, orchestrate and feast off situations of genocide, global conflict, drug usage (amphetamines, cocaine, “uppers”, etc.), sexual perversions and the wholesale slaughter of animal life (cattle, poultry, swine etc.).

We have been warned by the Hebrew, American Indian, Aztec and Hindu prophets that, at the “End of Days”, we will encounter Dragons, Leviathans and serpent-gods. They shall, we are told, arrive as the harbingers of terror, death, redemption and salvation. From where they will come is a question that has eluded the finest of scholarly minds that study the prophesies. One thing we do know, however, and that is that they are here, on and in EARTH.

Shamans around the world, by whatever cultural label they are called, have often spoken of how important the image of a serpent is in their worship of God and their visions of the "other side." Whether stirred from slumber by meditation or dreams, once this primordial living symbol within man is awakened, it can provoke extremely powerful emotional reactions of either paralytic fear or enduring fascination and love.

The ancient tenet of "Know Thyself," to "Seek the Kingdom of God within" and even the modern word "Insight" all point those on the spiritual path in the same direction: inwards. By recognizing or re-imagining ourselves as descendants of the ancient reptiles, we might be able to rekindle a relationship between who we are today and the animal we used to be, but have been conditioned to fear, namely the reptiles of the ancient past.

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