Saturday, April 12, 2014


As we all still seem stuck between the past and the and death..and our hard work for change and truth does not yet have the desired effect..imbalances and frustrations arise frequently because of suppressed feelings and denied needs..and will keep pushing the buttons until the state of freedom and love is reached again..being a multidimensional mirror and channel for many different views and minds creates these temporary imperfections and alleged anger..but only as masks to influence certain circumstances..and a outlet to adress the disturbed human heart and order to keep the concious control over the actions..also taking the risk of consequences because the motivation behind it serves a bigger purpose..even if our minds are limited in grasping the full picture..sometimes things need to play out on one plane to prevent it from happening on another..we are all together in that process of awakening now..everyone on his level and in his own combine and connect all these various states into one united harmony is not an easy thing to do..and it gets even more difficult to accomplish and hold this awareness when beeing constantly corrupted and limited by external forces..which try to prevent this important change in human hearts and distracting and attacking the most important keys of the game..who always need to dwell in their centers in order to be untouched by all the influences and interactions..even if the surface sometimes appears like a heavy storm or a silent desert..deep down inside always shines the same divine core..always pure and full of compassion for all life and part of the most mysterious and attracting force ever..this unlimited power behind it all..and the greatest and best friend a human can ever find..the whole existence is all about getting closer to this amazing ideal..which will bring us all closer this is necessary for the cicles to finally close..when the whole universe meets again at the last gate..these truths keep me alive and let me move forward on our way to heaven on earth..even if it appears to be a very lonely and hard road most of the is only on the physical level..on the other side im always surrounded by many creatures and never alone..nothing will stop me from realizing Gods will..from trying to bring all these worlds together as one..because all our future depends on it..and each one of us is needed to get there..never forget that im really grateful of all your wonderful background support and i love you all very much..but the situation forces me to play certain roles and missions which can only be achieved with and thru God all the darkness and pain serves a good reason after always..fullfilling its purpose and legitimates its lets me grow and brings me closer to the source..and in the end this is all that really matters..and will truly help to solve our current situation ways we now can hardly imagine but will radically transform this planet and all our lives..for ever..let our most precious dreams come becoming masters of our own destiny..and take our seats on the thrones of Gods royal his ever beloved and beautiful children..


In unklaren und anstrengenden Phasen wie diesen widme ich mich am besten wieder dem Sammeln von Wahrheitswissen um den Geist zu beruhigen und sinnvoll zu beschäftigen..und denke an JJ und wie schön es sein wird, wenn wir uns endlich wieder sehen..ob hier oder im Himmel spielt keine Rolle..hauptsache wir sind zusammen und dürfen unserer Liebe freien Lauf lassen..dazu braucht es nicht viel..und wir sind ja beide gewohnt mit wenig auszukommen..solange wir uns haben, wird alles gut..das weiss ich aus tiefstem Herzen und der Rest kann mir ab jetzt eigentlich egal sein..denn es ist das einzige, was hier wirklich nützen und auf Dauer glücklich machen wird..und zwar nicht nur uns..sondern mächtig sind wir und unsere Liebe..dass man wegen uns ein ganzes Land auf den Kopf stellen muss..nicht wahr..einen besseren Beweis gibt es eigentlich nicht..damit bestätigt ihr ja alles..vorallem eure eigene Niedertracht und Schwäche gegenüber echten Gefühlen und wahren Gotteskindern..die am Ende sowieso immer gewinnen..und jetzt wo es auf der Erde gerade um alles geht erst recht..nur darum leben und atmen wir noch..weil ihr uns braucht und wir ein essenzieller Part in diesem Spiel sind..aber wir können unsere Aufgabe nicht richtig erfüllen, wenn ihr uns weiterhin unterdrückt und verleumdet..damit riskiert ihr den Verlust unserer Supertalente und mindert die Kraft unserer Lichtherzen, was sich für alle negativ auswirkt..denn wir können mit dieser einmaligen Liebe viel bewirken, wenn man uns lassen wü wie es bisher auch bereits der Fall war..aber mehr weil ihr uns daran gehindert und euch somit verraten habt..was viele veranlasst hat aufzuwachen und uns zu helfen..was eigentlich bereits über den Ausgang dieses Krieges entschieden hat..auch wenn er noch nicht vorbei ist und wohl noch ein paar Jahre dauern wird..aber ab jetzt ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis genug Menschen bewusst werden und ihr eure Macht und Kontrolle ganz verliert..auch wenn ihr euch noch mit letzter Kraft daran klammert und mit den fragwürdigsten Mitteln versucht das Unvermeidbare aufzuhalten..was es übrigens nur noch schlimmer macht..ihr habt auf Dauer keine Chance und würdet das lieber endlich einsehen und anfangen mit dem Ganzen zusammenzuarbeiten..denn das ist die einzig wahre und verlässlichste Überlebensstrategie für alle Wesen in diesem Universum..alles andere führt in eine dunkle Sackgasse, aus der ihr mit etwas Pech nie wieder raus your souls..better now than never..wir sitzen hier alle im gleichen Planetenarchenschiff..und nur gemeinsam werden wir den Sintflutsee überqueren und eine strahlendere Zukunft erschaffen können..die allen auf ihre Art gerecht wird ohne sich gegenseitig zu schaden oder beeinflussen..wenn man den Dingen nämlich einfach ihren natürlichen Lauf lassen würde ohne zu manipulieren und blockieren, würde sich alles seiner Bestimmung gemäss und zum Wohle aller entfalten..denn das ist die Essenz in allem..das gemeinsame Streben des Lebens und unserer Seelen..auf dem Weg von der Dunkelheit ins Licht..wir hier und jetzt..alle zusammen..ein Herz und eine Wahrheit..die uns alle verbindet und die gleiche Richtung zieht..und alle Hindernisse und Illusionen überwindet..bis jeder seinen Platz wieder gefunden und eingenommen hat..und die Harmonie wieder das Spiel beherrscht und uns in ungeahnte Höhen der menschlichen Entwicklung führen wird..wo das Potential und die Möglichkeiten grenzenlos wie unser Geist, wenn er richtig benutzt und eingesetzt ist die Wahl zwischen Himmel und Hölle..und jeder Mensch mit ein bisschen Herz und Verstand wird sofort wissen für welche Seite er sich entscheiden wird..denn im Grunde unseres Selbst wollen wir alle nur glücklich und unbeschwert Frieden und Einheit leben..das ist der Ursprung unseres Seins..und der Grundcharakter von Gott selbst..stets fröhlich, lachend und tanzend..ewig jung, voller Schönheit und unendlicher Weisheit..Eigenschaften, die auch wir besitzen sobald wir uns selbst bewusst geworden sind..als vollkommene und unsterbliche Wesen..als direkter Teil dieser unfassbaren und darum so anziehenden Schöpferkraft..der Regisseur dieses lustigen Lichtschattenspiels, das nun langsam aber sicher in eine neue Runde geht..damit die Menschheit sich in ihrer Evolution höher entfalten und vollkommener ausdrücken kann..dem kollektiven Ziel ein grossen Schritt näher kommt, das uns so lange Zeit vorenthalten wurde..und uns nun ganz neue Welten und Realitäten offenbart, die selbst für unsere scheinbar unlösbare Situation ganz viele Lösungen liegt jetzt nur an uns diese sinnvoll und effizient anzuwenden..mutig neue Wege zu gehen und unser Leben innovativer und freier zu gestalten..auf einer nachhaltigen und mitfühlenden Basis mit Weitsicht und Weisheit..alles ist bereits da und wartet nur darauf, dass wir es entdecken und damit arbeiten..wir müssen es nur endlich wagen und in Angriff nehmen..und alte Ängste und Vorstellungen loslassen, die uns behindern..drohen uns mit sich in die Tiefe der Vergänglichkeit und des Leids zu ziehen..wir erschaffen und erhalten diese Realität mit unserem eigenen Geist..also können wir sie auch nach belieben ändern..sobald wir lernen unser göttliches Potential voll zu entfalten..


The will is directed by desire. You can’t fight against desire with the will. You have to use desire to override desire. Desire is a feeling. In this area, the conscious mind is directed by the subconscious mind. Since thinking and emotion are symbiotic, you have to use your conscious mind to think thoughts that will produce a different set of feelings to conflict and neutralize the first. But a person’s truest feelings can never be truly overridden because they are his/her essence. You can override a faulty desire by allowing the desire of the universal mind to impress upon your subconscious mind. Give your heart to God and he will give you a new heart.

The beauty of infinite probabilities for the conscious creator is that it literally opens the door for magic to happen. Believing that there is an infinite range of experiences to choose from frees up your energy from any limitations you may have placed on it in the past. This is magic in its purest form, the ability to manifest something directly into your life. All you need to do is believe the probability that you have achieved that goal exists, and then feel yourself resonating with it and stepping into it.

Every negative situation you experience in life is a test to see if you can be moved from who you think you really are. If your sense of self can be changed so easily according to every difficulty, disappointment and failure that you face, then your identity isn’t so true after all. True identity is unchanging and becomes even stronger with each opposing circumstance that seeks to destroy it, because it is tied to true reality. Your true identity is light. The darkness cannot touch you because you are light. In the presence of darkness is where you are able to truly shine as light. Do not allow the darkness to cause you to forget your true identity as light, but to use it as a chance to reinforce who you really are. Rather than allowing the circumstances in the world to shift your sense of self, keep your eyes on true reality. True reality is spirit. Spirit is perfect, complete and whole. Spirit does not need anything to define what it is. It already has everything it wants and is everything it wants to be. Spirit can do anything that it desires to do. When you see from the position of spirit, you are seeing from the position of truth. Truth never changes and it is always the same no matter what appears to be. We cannot seek abundance because we are already abundance. We cannot seek health because we are already health. We cannot seek happiness because we are already happiness. You experience perfect health, abundant love, pure happiness and joy, infinite supply for you know that from wherever our
abundance came from there is always an inexhaustible supply. You don’t do things to make you happy because you are already happiness. It is your natural state. The more you encounter negative circumstances, the more you should realize that this world is an illusion. It is all a test to see if you will become ensnared by the illusion of it being the reflection of your true identity. Circumstances that reflect your true identity will always be in alignment with spirit. Only acknowledge circumstances that are in alignment with spirit as a reflection of true reality. Life is a game for us to play out who we are. No matter what happens, it is still a game. When we are involved in a game, we could experience all the emotions that comes with it. We may be in the game but we do not belong to the game. We are who we are regardless of how the game goes. Before the game, during the game and after the game, everything is what it always is. You have nothing to lose and nothing to attain. As long as we know who we are while we are playing the game, we will run the game instead of letting the game run us. We are able to detach from whatever happens because it is just a game, and we are simply here to have fun experiencing whatever that unfolds. Everything is a gift that helps us evolve in the game to becoming who we already are outside of the game. We are already winners whether we play the game or not. The situations that we face in this world is for the purpose of severing our attachments to apparent reality, so that we may become more and more centered on the reality of spirit. The situations that we face in this world will always fluctuate from positive to negative and back, because it is an illusion. Just when we think we can keep things positive, they change to negative again. Just when we think things will stay negative, they change to positive.

Marriage to be real must first be on a spiritual basis. It must be of the heart, and the heart is the chalice of love. Honesty, sincerity, kindness, and integrity are also forms of love. Each partner should be perfectly honest and sincere with the other. It is not a true marriage when a man marries a woman for her money, social position, or to lift his ego, because this indicates a lack of sincerity, honesty, and true love. Such a marriage is a farce, a sham, and a masquerade.

Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and endless. It is a part of the universal mind of God, which was never born, and it will never die. Fatigue or old age cannot be predicated on any spiritual quality or power. Patience, kindness, veracity, humility, good will, peace, harmony, and brotherly love are attributes and qualities, which never grow old. If you continue to generate these qualities here on this plane of life, you will always remain young in spirit.

Peace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid.
I have left the gate open and thou art welcome to my home.
There is room in my house for all.
I have swept the hearth and lighted the fire.
The room is warm and cheerful and you will find comfort and rest within.
The table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee.
The wine is here also, it sparkles in the light.
I have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade.
Sit and rest and refresh your soul.
Eat of the fruit and drink the wine.
All, all is yours, and you are welcome.

The race is made up of individuals, and the place to begin is with the person who believes in the greater possibility. Each one, for himself, must work out the law of his own being. It is within the power of every man to completely change his environment and completely heal his body. Whether or not he will do this depends entirely upon his own conviction and his own determination. Nature attends him on the way and is always ready to serve; but he is an individual and nothing will ever be forced upon him. Let any one follow the Law, comply with Its nature, and consistently apply himself to right thinking and living, and he will prove to himself that life holds all and more than he has ever imagined.

No great mystic ever lived who denied the reality of individuality. The higher the sense of Truth, the greater will be the realization of the uniqueness of individual character and personality. The Real Self is God-given and cannot be denied; it is the place where God comes to a point of Individualized and Personified Expression, and should be thought of in this light. "I am the Light of the world."

If we are surrounded by discarnate spirits, they, also, might control us through suggestion; that is, if we allowed them to do so. By thinking toward us with a strong desire, they might so implant this desire on the subjective side of our thought that it would come up from within, causing us to do certain things which we never consciously thought of doing. This, of course, is hypnotic influence; but all mental influence is hypnotic, varying only in degree. If it is true that discarnate spirits are around us (and it appears to be true), we should carefully guard against the possibility of any mental influence from them. The statement that ONLY THE ONE MIND CONTROLS will protect us from any and all wrong mental influences of whatever nature, whether emanating from those in the flesh or out of it.

Human love and the affections often go hand in hand with sex desire, even when not recognized as such. An affectionate nature is generally a passionate one. Love is the most wonderful thing in the world and creates the highest form of energy known to the mind of man. It will be expressed at the level of the passions or else become transmuted into Spiritual Coin of real and lasting value. But the ideas on sex are likely to become over-emphasized in modern literature along these lines. Sex is normal in its proper sphere; if it were not, it would not be; for nature does nothing without some good and ample reason.

The time has arrived when the public should be made acquainted with the great force underlying the phenomena of Mind‐Power. People should be instructed regarding this force; its laws and operation; its intelligent and proper use, with directions designed to protect people against its improper use against them, on the part of others—this latter a most important matter in these days of occult and psychic investigation on the part of the public, and the attempted base and selfish uses to which some are putting the occult mental forces of Nature.

The danger of all evils lies in the darkness of concealment, not in the daylight of publicity. “Turn on the Light” has always been the watchword of progress and civilization. And more particularly is this so at this, the first decade of the Twentieth Century, when the interest in occultism and kindred subjects has made a number of people acquainted with Mind‐Power, and has acquainted them with its uses, under various names and theories. And in many cases it is being practiced upon people who are unfamiliar with the subject, and therefore it is time that some one should “turn on the light,” that it may be seen by all men and known for what it is—capable of the highest and the lowest uses, but a great force of Nature. And with this exposition of it, goes the remedy and protection against improper use, as well as the knowledge of its wonderful proper uses. If it be a bane—here is the antidote. But it is not necessarily a bane, any more than steam, electricity, and explosives are a bane to mankind. Ignorance is no protection. Truth and fact must be followed to the end, and it will be discovered that, in Nature, every force that may be possible of hurtful use, may be guarded against by natural means.

Desire‐Force not only has its effect upon the person, and others near him, but it may be, and often is, sent for thousands of miles where it affects and influences others, in ways. Desire‐Force is the mighty force which makes many of the phases of Mind‐Power possible. It spreads out from the mind of the person affecting and influencing others even at other parts of the world, if concentrated and directed by the will. It is a force beside which the X‐ray and electricity fade into insignificance. It moves not merely blind, lifeless things, but the living minds, thoughts, emotions, passions and actions of men. It is the force that rules the world, and its destinies. Like any other great natural force it is capable of being used for good or evil. It is neither good nor evil—it is either or both, according to the mind in which it originates.

The ether, or fine substance filling space, is constantly filled with these mentative currents, of all kinds and degrees, streaming out from the minds of all kinds of people. These currents, of course, come in contact with each other, and often either combine or else act to neutralize each other. For instance, currents of a certain degree or kind of vibration (that is, of a certain mental state) when they come in contact with other currents of similar vibration, will tend to coalesce and combine, there being a harmony and attraction existing between them. But if they are opposing vibrations they will antagonize each other and act in the direction of neutralizing each other’s force. If they are of equal strength, both will lose power, but if one is much stronger than the other it will lose only in the inverse ratio of its strength, and the weaker will suffer likewise. That is, the weaker will lose twice as much power as the stronger, and the stronger will lose only half as much as the weaker—supposing that the stronger is of twice the strength of the weaker.

The voice of the dynamic individual is flexible, and adaptable to any mood or phase of feeling that he wishes to induce in his hearers. It may be positive and masterful, along the lines of suggestion by direct command, or authority. Or it may be subtle and insinuating, along the lines of suggestion by association or imitation. Or it may assume a teacher‐like tone, along the lines of suggestion by repetition, in which the statement is made in a quiet, convincing way, as a teacher makes his statements to his class, the repetition of which brings conviction to the mind of the hearer.

“Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
That, to be hated, needs but to be seen.
But seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”

Determination to overcome obstacles; beating down resistance; brushing away barriers; making headway; pushing to the front; clearing away underbrush; pushing through the crowd; holding your own; etc. Its perversion renders one a hated man, and one who is not sufficiently regardful of the rights of others, and whom it becomes the duty of society to restrain. But, still it is a quality that is needed by the dynamic individual, lest he allow himself to be walked over with impunity; outraged; and treated with contempt by the world; or which will cause him to be pushed aside and imposed upon. Its absence also causes one to be overcome with impotence when obstacles confront him, or resistance shows itself. Its absence causes one to be a whining “I can’t” person; and also causes one to be too much subject to precedents, pretended authority, etc., and kills off his originality. To develop this faculty, use the threefold method along the lines of breaking new mental ground; striking out into new paths; breaking down barriers; overcoming restraint; holding your own; pushing to the front, even if you have to elbow the crowd, etc.

By all means cultivate the sense of humor. It will save you from more follies and ridiculous positions than anything else. And cultivate the cheerful spirit for it will make life easier for you, and will lubricate the machinery of work and endeavor. It will also make friends for you, and will tend to remove the obstacles which the world throws in the way of people who are sour, disagreeable and “grouchy.” Smile and the world smiles with you; frown and you get a frown. Develop this faculty, by all means, by the threefold‐method, along the lines of humor, joy, cheerfulness. And, so, now I have called your attention to the faculties most prominent in the dynamic individual. I have not spoken of his religious or moral faculties, because these lessons are dealing with another part of his make‐up. But do not imagine that the qualities named here have no connection with the religious or moral life. There is nothing that I have recommended here that will not apply as well to the minister as the business man—to the priest as well as the salesman. The same mental qualities that make a bad man “great” and “strong” will make a good man “great” and” strong.” Morals are one thing and degrees of strength another. Good men may be strong or weak; bad men may also be strong or weak. And in the degree of “strength” will be the degree of influence, for good or evil, that a man will manifest. With this in mind, I think that it would be a great thing for the world, if some one were to distribute this book among the “good” men of the world. The evil men have a knowledge of the subject, already.

“I Can; I Will; I Dare; I Do!” you will mow your way clear through the ranks of the horde of ignorance, and negativity, and reach the heights beyond.

The gist of it was that Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the "Whore of Babylon," and invest it in a human being.  The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon, which they considered to be a good thing.

First, Satanism is not a unified movement like Christianity or Islam.  It is comprised of individuals with their own distinct ideas about what it means to be a Satanist.  Second, to some it is a religion, to some a philosophy, to others a magickal path.  Third, there is usually a thread of magickal interest in most Satanists of most types.  And, where there is an interest in magick among Satanists, it is almost universally an interest in Crowleyian derived Magick.

Profound evidence exists supporting the concept that human potentials are not confined to third-dimension realities of height, breadth and depth, or of matter, energy, space and time. New scientific models for space-time transcendence are being researched. But human culture is rich regarding multidimensional and hyperspace phenomena experienced by the human psyche which are analogous to some of the new scientific models. Cultural and experiential evidence is strong indicating that multidimensional types can "travel" between and have conscious visualizations and perceptions of hyperspace dimensions. A technology is possible regarding transmission and access of hyperspace information. This technology could restructure human focus and activity.

The most incredible journeys ever taken have been made within the realms of the human mind. Perhaps for some, these journeys are simply pleasant day dreams, mental travels to the far-away places on earth. But for people who can mentally access other space/time continuums, people called multidimensionals," their journeys consist of far more than just imaginings.

The implications of multidimensional experiencers for the future of mankind are staggering -- for their mind journeys allow remarkable amounts of very different, advanced technological information to be brought into our third-dimensional realities. Research has shown that multidimensionals can actually travel into hyperspace and have conscious visualization and perceptions of other time/space dimensions, including accessing information through their own DNA. Often they speak of formulas, mathematical equations and atomic structure in ways quite different from current scientific thought.

Hyperspace is defined as the spatial dimensions beyond time and the reality known as the three dimensional world, defined by height, width, and depth of space. It is also referred to as subspace or multidimensionality.
Multidimensionals know that they see, feel and experience dimensions in addition to, and very different from, the every-day third-dimensional world.
Advanced concepts often come to multidimensionals in the form of a universal communication system, carried by light frequencies, seen as visions, symbols, colors, numbers, or heard through unusual and not yet understood sound mechanisms.

Many multidimensionals are extremely advanced when they are born. Others live normal, almost ordinary, lives in their early years, until one or more events open the doors within their minds, and they are whisked, totally unprepared, through the dimensional doorway. They have entered the next step in their ability to access hyperspace. People who are born with the awareness of hyperspace capabilities have a much easier time with integration of the experience than those who come into awareness later in life.

Changing mental focus between dimensions can occur rapidly and is often the result of outside stimuli - a harmonic resonance which can trigger the change of focus, and which can also act as a guide.
To be a multidimensional is to have very powerful inner resources. But their resources are placed in an awkward and confusing situation when nurturing and subsequent validation is withheld, denied or not possible. They tend to spend hours in telephone conversations with people who are experts in a given field in order to obtain validation of the material they are obtaining in hyperspace.

It is vital to understanding that there are many, many multidimensionals in the world and that this is a human capability. Society has been very reluctant to validate the existence of "paranormal" abilities on any level. Until the world accepted his theories of highly advanced physics, Einstein was considered "mentally deranged" by his scientific peers.

The social reluctance to validate multidimensional phenomena has resulted in little knowledge regarding common hyperspace experiencing. The knowledge vacuum has also left many of the phenomena unidentified and unknown.
Research regarding human potential conducted (to mention but a few) at Stanford Research Institute, the Monroe Institute, and in many parapsychological research centers, has confirmed that humans possess enormous super-capabilities of all kinds.

Because the human-capability spectrum is so enormous, many of these super-capabilities have not yet begun to be identified, studied or explored.
Multidimensionals have many well-developed psychic abilities, but not all psychics have developed hyperspace skills.
Multidimensional experiencers differ from people who receive telepathic or mechanically forwarded information from various sources. They access, by direct experiencing, philosophical and technical information, mathematics, and advanced concepts within all the known sciences.

Gifted psychics are very highly evolved people who are beginning to come into the next stage of evolution, that of multidimensionality with greater awareness.
Multidimensional children are often born into families who do not, in any measure, understand or appreciate their abilities.
As a result, the young are confused and often rebellious. They are disoriented because they are aware of a world that present society insists does not exist.
As indicated by many accounts, they are put on tranquilizers, or even stronger medication through conventional medical treatment to quiet, among other things, the "inner voice" they insist they hear.

In essence, multidimensionals represent:
- A revolutionary paradigm shift in what constitutes "reality."
- An evolutionary leap for humanity.
- An opening of doors to advanced human mind potential.
- An unlimited potential for new, pure energy, technology.
- Most importantly, multidimensionals are living examples of the ultimate paradigm shift from materialism to mentalism because they have consciously converted material, third dimensional, controlled and limited, information transmission systems to unlimited, cosmic information transmission systems.

What multidimensionals are NOT is NON-human beings. They are fully human in all regards, but have accessed levels of awareness in themselves others are discouraged from discovering and experiencing.
In other words, they are prototypes of larger human potential. They are examples of the old adage, "Anything is possible, if you know how."
The multidimensionals know and share the "how" of tapping in to cosmic information transmission systems.

Although challenged by many scientists, the "100th monkey" syndrome was documented and theoretically established when simultaneous, spontaneous behavioral changes in monkeys occurred across distinct island chains after the 100th monkey "learned" the initial behavior.

Human minds (conscious awareness) have been stuck or blocked into a "dis-learning" mindset which has short-circuited the potential of human mind functioning. Successful multidimensionals make adjustments necessary to unlock the mindset - and, once free from that state of non-awareness - can access higher dimensions. Their abilities to do this formulate a knowledge transmission system characterized by different mind frequencies.

The importance of breaking free of the third-dimensional mind blocks is, very simply, that humans have radically altered the planet's environment without radically altering themselves on a conscious mental level.
The result is a quest for material comfort and the irrational utilization of earth's resources in this pursuit, and it has already caused irreparable damage.
If humanity continues in perpetuating the current destructive mindsets, the earth CANNOT continue to support human life.
The blocked mindsets do not allow this knowledge of earth's inability to support burgeoning human life to become readily apparent - due to an inherent belief system that "life will always continue this way."

1. Access to pure information transmissions
2. Unlimited access to higher order information
3. Clear vision of energy to matter to energy
4. Clear action on energy to matter to energy
5. Future positive results: Positive utilization of energy to matter to energy

1. Generated 3-D material information system
2. Limited access controlled by the mind block. "Secrets kept."
3. Vision of what the control deems fit to fulfill self interests. Denial of existance or importance of pure energy and thought forms.
4. Action of matter to matter
5. Focus: depletion of existing matter. Negative environment, life form impact.

By having unlimited information ACCESS, successful or developed multidimensionals can view energy working and can also trace the energy paths from source to end results. Thus they can determine positive or negative outcomes of material creation and the procession of the energy-matter change dynamic.

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve are a direct result of his own thoughts."

Deep within you dwell an infinite amount of slumbering potential; potential that would astonish you, that you never dreamed of possessing; potential that would revolutionize your life if awakened and put into action. Few people during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. It is quite normal to feel the fear and uncertainty in dealing with this latent potential. Just go ahead and feel the fear - then summon the courage to pursue your dreams anyway. That is strength invincible.

Don't die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! Always remember - success is a journey and is not a destination. A consistent lack of action leads to a consistent lack of results. A change should really mean a “change”. It does not mean wrapping the old life up in a new package. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. It is never too late to become “what you might have been”.

In this life, there are two kinds of beings...
There are victims, and things happen to them.
And there are creators, who create as they observe.
At the deepest, sub-nuclear level, we are one.
There is no separation, as drops of ocean water existing in an infinite ocean... a boundless sea of possibility...
All we have ever experienced has lived inside the visual cortex of the brain.
The outward projection is an illusion.
Our sense of touch, is but an electrical impulse... A wave of focused light energy with information in the carrier-wave... a set of instructions for the brain to decode.
To feel. To see. To smell. To taste... these are illusions.
Things are not as they seem. This is the veil shrouding the great mystery of life and creation... of consciousness.
You are existing right now, in your Mind.
These words you are reading, are in your brain, as every sight, every sound, every texture, every smell... but it goes deeper. The body is a projection of the Mind.Though these concepts are difficult to grasp, they are the truth of your existence. All you experience, must be filtered through the Mind to be perceived.
The entire universe, is quite literally within you.

• There is a correspondence in appearance.
• An uncommon bond.
• A balance.
• The time of co-creativity is now..and is symbolized by the SUN card in the tarot. The sun = wholeness = two in one.

So the real use of Mind Power, is using it to change your inner-world; the inner-qualities you wish to possess... the ones that create winners, masters of their destiny...Self-confidence, greater focus, better memory... an open imagination, strength of Iron Will... higher intelligence... access to the deepest dimensions from within...These are the hidden keys to the Kingdom, and they are already present inside of you... waiting for you to discover them and activate them fully and consciously.

Along these lines, the ‘right to the city’ can be framed as a struggle against the powers of capital to commodify, appropriate and extract rents and value from common life that others have produced. Anti-capitalist urban struggle might then centre on demanding collective rights over the conditions of our labouring (much of which is indeed directed towards producing and reproducing the city), as well as over our collective products. These include not only commodities and local cultural creations, but also the very metropolis itself.

Transnational crime is a term that unfortunately is quite familiar to Europeans and Americans today. It’s crystal clear to us all here how the criminal elements in Europe and also in other parts of the world affect our daily lives. We need to work together to fight crime such as narcotics trafficking, terrorism and corruption.

There are many areas in which the rise of organized crime affects security. This includes such conventional problems as the trafficking of arms to rogue states, insurgents and terrorist groups. But it also includes many other ways in which organized crime undermines European security and the NATO alliance. The intimidation of law enforcement in both Western and Eastern Europe undermines state capacity to move against organized crime. The corruption of different branches of the legal system by organized crime undermines the integrity of state and regional security.

A sustainability revolution is taking place—from an old economy that is high carbon, high pollution, waste intensive, and ecologically disruptive, to a new economy that is low carbon, low pollution, energy/ resource efficient, and ecologically supportive. Businesses, cities, and regions that lead this revolution will prosper, because the new economy will outperform the old one. Businesses, cities, and regions that lag are in danger of being left behind.

The challenges that countries in crises and post-conflict situations face are complex, multifaceted and vary due to the variety of different historical root causes of conflict and the different political, social and geographical contexts. The strategies to address these challenges and effectively support a country on a path of recovery, development and durable peace are therefore diverse. What works in one country does not necessarily work in another. However, there are some universally shared values, principles and key elements that have been found to be sine qua non for sustainable peace that will be described and analyzed in this paper. These comprise: focused and committed leadership, security, solid government structures providing basic services, building people’s trust and legitimacy, information dissemination, sound civic dialogue, mediation and community participation.

Experience from different countries emerging from conflict has demonstrated that when a leadership sets up appropriate, transparent and accountable management systems and tools, and then applies them properly and equitably, the key components of sustainable peace and development become more achievable. Government legitimacy and trust in national institutions are created. Economic activities can flourish and generate growth and prosperity. Difficult reconciliation can be achieved.

Post-conflict recovery and state reconstruction are complex challenges for the state and the society. They constitute, in fact, the major goals to be reached when a series of specific challenges have been met. The most critical key challenges in post-conflict realities are enumerated below:
- Legitimacy Trust and Authority of the State
When the authority of the state has collapsed, and the remaining structures of government often lose their legitimacy in post-conflict settings, thus leading to political, societal and economic disintegration on a national and even regional level, the main task of governments in post-conflict situations is to rebuild economic and political governance and regain legitimacy and the trust of their populace. It is generally acknowledged that the critical determinant of sustainable recovery, peace and development is a committed leadership aimed at: protecting human rights; ensuring rule of law and security; re-establishing and strengthening credible, transparent and accountable public administration institutions; reconstructing an efficient, representative public service that achieves equitable service delivery and re-generates an equitable post-conflict economy.These key areas of concern constitute the basic prerequisites of peace-sensitive reconstruction and reconciliation. Demonstrated action toward accomplishing them can transform the mindset of people to trust in their government’s ability to deliver lasting peace and progress and to be patient through the hardships that will prevail. At their inception, post-conflict governments, especially transitional authorities, often lack legitimacy and have not yet earned trust, as they were formed as a result of negotiations between warring parties without the involvement of the majority of the population or they include former combatants perceived by the population to be responsible for crimes. They also exercise limited control over the country’s assets. The development of public policy often has to be negotiated with other actors (sectarian groups or former parties to the armed conflict) who may control parts of the territory and/or national resources.
- Political Will for Transparency and Accountability
The fragility of post-conflict situations creates multiple openings for corruption and the lack of a common ethos of governance undermines the political will for transparency and accountability, thus impeding the creation of robust mechanisms to deal with it. The absence of a shared vision and ethos of governance within the new, constituted governing group, especially when its members are drawn from former warring parties, often induces factionalism that makes different groups in government work at cross-purposes rather than for the national good.
- Rule of Law
Absence of rule of law, accompanied by a culture of impunity, especially affects many post-conflict situations and severely undermines the legitimacy of the State. It is likely that weak rule of law existed prior to violent conflict and was characterized by ineffective or corrupt institutions. The fall out from this circumstance is especially evident in the judiciary and police, where dysfunctional institutions have over time eroded confidence in the formal mechanisms for dispute resolution and grievance management and induces citizens to resort to illicit means. There is a need to re-build the judicial infrastructure from the highest to the lowest levels, with the most severe challenges being to rebuild the physical infrastructure and capacities of the staff, and to establish and promulgate an enforceable legal and regulatory framework that will be accepted by the populace.
- Social Capital and Social Cohesion
Post-conflict public policies are particularly vulnerable to distortion by sectarian behavior towards particular groups, sectors or communities overriding national interests. The loss of human and social capital, a dearth of social cohesion, continued exclusion of targeted groups in society, and absent participatory mechanisms in public policy formulation, all perpetuate a lack of trust in government and challenge the revival of legitimate local and national governance structures. Internally displaced people (IDPs), returning refugees, and unsupported youth and (former) child soldiers/ex-combatants and others are particularly vulnerable to being co-opted into unproductive or illicit activities that are counterproductive to the effective functioning of the state. The State must organize specific, demonstrable initiatives to regenerate social cohesion through policies and programmes that promote participation, equity and inclusion. Reconciliation processes which are ignored, overlooked or delayed in the press of urgent humanitarian or political and economic conditions can create longer-term problems and aggravate unresolved issues that make people resistant to overt attempts at enforcing social cohesion. In many post-conflict societies, peace accords and truth and reconciliation commissions are being set up, but are ineffective and sometimes counterproductive as they lack adequate implementation, follow-up or sincere commitment. The lack of coherence between the peace consolidation process as a medium term action on the one hand, short-term peacekeeping actions and long-term development efforts on the other, may further destabilize efforts to achieve sustainable peace and development.
- Economic Reconstruction and Service Delivery Structures
Another major challenge is the need to simultaneously sustain ongoing governance reform and economic restructuring programmes at the same time securing visible achievements in poverty alleviation efforts as dividends of peace and stability. With regards to economic reconstruction, the short-term economic orientation of local actors which is focused mostly on private immediate gain, often prevails in post-conflict settings. This situation, exacerbates a credibility and legitimacy deficit for the new political actors, and limits the citizens’ compliance with their obligations. War economies and parallel economies continue to thrive particularly during situations of ceasefire. Unless concerted action to retake regulatory control of the State accompanies the cessation of violence, these parallel economies deny the state access to substantial revenues and the beneficiaries undermine and destabilize attempts to rectify the situation. Within this arena, the exploitation and abuse of mineral and natural resources by illicit national and/or foreign actors, coupled with worsening terms of economic exchange, are other crucial challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a sustainable economic reconstruction.
- Security and Cross-border Movements
Continuing insecurity and violence affect the provision of basic services, and re-establishment of government authority and administration at local levels. A lack of institutional authorities and failure in the security sector, in particular the police forces, lead to continuing mistrust of the population in public authorities and, at best, a State lacking legitimacy, and at worst, a breeding ground for the re-eruption of unresolved conflicts and violence. Conflicts spilling across borders represent an additional source of continued post-conflict disintegration, on both a national and regional level. Such cross-border conflict issues include the illegal traffic of small arms, light weapons and anti-personnel mines. The fundamental question here is how to regulate movements across borders in order to discourage illicit traffic while promoting legal and safe movements and advancing more cohesion and integration among countries.

The success or failure of post-conflict reconstruction efforts is closely linked to the existence of a coherent and legitimate government. Rebuilding the capacities of the state and the (re-)establishment of credible, transparent, participatory and efficient governance and public administration institutions in fragile post-conflict settings is the key ingredient to achieving peace, stability and sustainable development. A solid governance infrastructure, based on well-articulated horizontal and vertical divisions of power, is crucial to delivering political promises along with the needed public goods such as security, health care, education and infrastructure. State- or nation-building is the central objective of every peace building operation and is dependent upon the reconstitution of sustainable governance structures. Post-conflict nation-building comprises, at minimum: the rule of law, judicial, constitutional and security sector reform, the establishment of mechanisms of political participation and inclusive policies, the effective provision of basic services and goods, fighting corruption, fostering a democratic culture, free and transparent elections, and the promotion of local governance.

Most fundamentally, sustained peace requires a visionary leadership in a trustful, transparent and participatory partnership with civil society. The central question of successful state-building often comes down to whether newly re-established and reformed states can manage diversity and competition among different groups without resorting to violence and authoritarianism, and in a manner that delivers access to political and economic opportunities to all citizens equitably and irrespective of identity. Any post-conflict leadership needs to place the larger national interest over that of the group, presupposing the ability to successfully manage and resolve conflicts in a participatory manner. Leaders need to be able to put aside self-interest in the name of the larger national interest, such that there are not victors, nor vanquished, but only partners.

Non-governmental actors and civil society movements can make major contributions and play important roles in identifying, analyzing and addressing root causes of conflict. Enabling societies to dialogue with itself and to encourage dialogue between governments and the civil society needs to be amongst the key goals of post-conflict reconstruction in order to find solutions that consolidate peace in the long run. Support to the establishment of civil society umbrella bodies helps to create a structure through which civil society organizations can collectively engage in lobbying, advocacy and monitoring programmes that help enhance the development of pro-poor development polices.

Access to reliable and objective information is a vital element of democratic process and settings. Countries’ experience shows that the manipulation of information can be a trigger of rising misunderstanding and tensions that can lead to devastating conflicts. Therefore, the promotion of exchange and dissemination of information is an important element of re-construction efforts. It is therefore in the interest of governments to set up mechanisms allowing them to manage information and knowledge assets.

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