Saturday, May 24, 2014


Even if the battle is not fully won yet..still in the middle of exhausting fights and painful and downs..waging secretly in the background of common society..but there is an end in sight..somewhere not too far from here..the light at the end of the tunnel..its coming that i escaped from hellcity to that wonderful little paradise in nature..what a great surprise and gift to appreciate and share..thank you mighty Lord..where would i be without you..i really enjoy going back to the roots..moving along with the natural way of life..feels right and healthy..and helps me to cope with all the emotional tension and strange feelings coming that all these family related topics have been clearly was always in the back of my head..silent and still hurts and is hard to swollow..but the truth will set us free..we have to face it in order to get over it..closing the circle where it the very beginning of life..where the whole story began..solves at the same time a lot of missunderstood issues..explains the reason of the way and why it had to be like become this special piece in the puzzle..everyone had to play his role to make this miracle perfect..we all made it happen together and it would not have been possible without congrats to us..we did it..this is it..the rising sun on the dark the rest is only a matter of time..there are not much secrets left to one to really save or defeat anymore..but many to heal and love..and i cant wait for the real work to begin..when we all come together as one..but most of all im excited to finally hold and kiss my true lover-hero-god..the one and only..who is responsible for all this..i did it all because of you sweetest lightsoul ever..just to be with you more time or maybe even for hell and in heart belongs to you and hopes to be united with yours very waiting for you every day and night..please come home babe..


It comes to mind that these 'people' have infiltrated all government in sensitive positions, not to control government, the processes or people, but rather to be in positions of power to stop politically any activity that may produce a result that could cause discovery.

Shortly after the uprising of the Grey Aliens (cloned race of aliens) they began their vast search for a new home, but more importantly  a source of nutrition and a means to keep their race alive. The battle between the Reptilian Aliens left their race devastated and hopeless. The majority of their star ships were completely destroyed and many of their kin were annihilated. However, in the distant moons of a planet near the Draco star system, they managed to gather their forces and make their way into the outer reaches of the Milk-Way Galaxy. Constantly searching for a new home they encountered many alien races that would deny their right of passage into their system. Knowing their evil intentions many alien races threatened the Greys if they attempted to act without permission. Finally drawn to the outer limits of our Solar System they began to see that Earth had no means of interstellar warfare and they knew that this planet was a great home to rebuild their lives. With the ability to perform cloning experiments on humans, and feed off of their evil energy, they sent numerous scout ships to orbit planet Earth and surveillance it. Closely montering Earth, the Grey Aliens were able to map out Earth's governmental structure, military capablities, and monitor their actions.

One of the most difficult things to convey to people who are relatively new to information that appears in the so-called alternative media is just how diabolical the controlling elite really are. People can seem to accept that the world is run by a bunch of ruthless bankers, or perhaps they realize that presidents and national leaders are puppets to corporate interests, or perhaps they even have come to grips with the fact that "The Elite" are willing to destroy nations and people to consolidate power and form a one-world government.  Poison the planet with depleted uranium? Yes. Poison the food supply with GMO's? Definitely.
But one topic that has been routinely shrugged off as manifestly impossible is that those at the very top of the pyramid, including well-known politicians and public figures, have engaged consistently -- and on a widespread basis -- in the organized sale, rape, torture and murder of children. Frankly, we had a hard time fully believing it ourselves until recently. But the evidence has become so overwhelming that we must have the courage to look into the very worst cesspit; one which better belongs in paintings of Hell's torments, not on the evening news.
The realization that there are individuals in suits, crowns, and uniforms who are literally blood-drinking psychopaths that would make notorious elites blush, is almost too much for an innocent mind to comprehend. And, yet, it seems to be so vast in numbers that it would appear to be the norm rather than the exception of a just a few demented people -- especially since the protection and cover-up for these groups is clearly vast as well.
These are "people" who have no problem lying their country into war, bombing the innocent on a routine basis, and tanking economies on purpose. It is a matter of policy to starve entire populations into submission without a second thought. And apparently those are the least of their crimes.
However, before we can council our children, as adults we need to grow up ourselves. It is not a type of awakening that should produce fear and paranoia, but rather an admission that we are much better, and more capable of directing the course of our lives and communities than those who have been officially charged with the task. We also must admit to ourselves that the strangers to whom we have acquiesced our power are being revealed as stranger than we ever could have imagined.

The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long torture sessions, and sex with animals. Due to the extreme abuse they suffered, the girls had Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) where the mind splits into tens and even hundreds of different personalities. These personalities are brought to life by different triggers, for instance a compliant sex-slave can be brought into existence by a certain word.
The abuse networks function as a system of blackmail to make sure everyone in the Illuminati and their criminal organizations toe the line. Illuminati abuse networks function for the exercise of extreme sadomasochistic urges as well as a system of blackmail that keeps members from breaking rank.

Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled, to conceal the truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it.

Rothstein is talking about individuals who would spend as much as $10,000 to have sex with young boys and girls. And this new evidence points to the involvement of U.S. government officials. "They were using kids to compromise people. And what better way to compromise somebody than get a young boy with a politician or some powerful person that may be in the military or whatever and then you can compromise them and get what ever you want."

There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world. This force was known to the ancients. It is a universal age whose supreme law is equilibrium; and whereby, if science can but learn how to control it, it will be possible to change the order of the Seasons, to produce in night the phenomena of day, to send a thought in an instant round the world, to heal or slay at a distance, to give our words universal success, a make them reverberate everywhere. This agent, partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciples of Mesmer, is precisely what the Adepts of the middle ages called the elementary matter of the great work. The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit; it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphrodic goat of Mendes.

The Devil is not a maker, he's a taker. God creates; but the Devil destroys. The New World Order is a system of total destruction and carnage! Look how the occult is being pushed everywhere on today's youth. Look how witchcraft is pushed off on teenage girls. The globalists are manifesting Lucifer's destructive methods. Every ancient religion engaged in blood sacrifices, sex rituals, and worshipped the same pagan gods (such as Moloch that is still worshipped at Bohemian Grove today). Many cultures burned their children in a wicker of twigs to get rain to come. Every culture has done this. The Aztecs were absolutely out of their mind wicked, as were the Nazis and Communists, as was the the French Revolution. They killed off about 10% of the population. This is the Illuminati!!!

“We didn’t know what the inhabitants of these craft wanted, but we had to assume from their behavior, especially their interventions in the lives of human beings and the reported cattle mutilations, that they could be potential enemies. That meant that we were facing a far superior power with weapons capable of obliterating us.”

The appeal to fear has its function, especially in providing an intitial shock which may compel attention. But the ultimate and most valid appeal should be to hope. There is no need of great wars, no need of the horrors of populations reduced to utter misery, harried and starved in a vast campaign of retribution. There is no reason why poverty and want should continue anywhere in the world. There is no reason why national education, in almost every country, should encourage false beliefs which promote warlike feeling. There is no reason why increase in the efficiency of production should be used, not to raise the standard of life, but to increase the proportion of human effort that is devoted to mutual extermination. All these evils depend for their continued existence upon war, and the national hostilities bred by the fear of war. If once the fear of war were removed, the whole human race could quickly attain a level of happiness and well-being surpassing that of the most fortunate in any earlier time. If the atomic bomb shocks the nations into acquiescence in a system making great wars impossible, it will have been one of the greatest boons ever conferred by science.
The issue is the most momentous with which mankind has ever been faced. If it is not solved, war will exterminate the civilized portion of mankind, except for such remnants as may have been engaged in exploring the Antarctic Continent or investigating the theology of Tibetan Lamas. These will be too few to reestablish civilized communities. If mankind, in the course of a millenium or two, slowly climbs back to its present intellectual level, it is to be presumed that it will again inflict a similar catastrophe upon itself. If any of the things that we value are to survive, the problem must be solved. How it can be solved is clear; the difficulty is to persuade the human race to acquiesce in its own survival. I cannot believe that this task is impossible.

Unknown to the general public, The Secret Government has been aware for some time of ancient high technology given to man by the gods of ancient Samaria. Still buried under the sands of Iraq may be the remains of an ancient star gate, a device that employs time travel technology, permitting individuals and equipment to pass into another dimension outside of the space-time continuum. Once you are in it is possible to travel across the galaxy, or even into another galaxy, instantaneously, and emerging back into space-time on another planet.

According to the Intruder Perspective, the aliens are here for their own purposes, and their abduction and hybrid program activities are intrusive and callous to human concerns. Although they pose no direct military threat, this attitude would tend to justify defense concerns and the development of weapons with which to confront them. Taking the manipulator perspective, a case can be built that the aliens have been manipulating humans covertly since we first appeared here. There is evidence that this has been conducted through their human proxies via secret societies and support of a human controlling elite class.” From the helper perspective, it appears that the aliens are here to help us to grow in consciousness and solve our political problems. Much evidence supports the view that the ET’s play an important role in encouraging humanity to achieve peaceful resolution of international conflict, and in preventing nuclear proliferation and the use of other destructive weapons.”

Living in the higher dimensions seems a natural evolutionary goal for humanity given the various cataclysmic events that affect earth from time to time. Such events that might periodically wipe out life on earth are nuclear war, pole shifts, meteor impacts, solar flares, and close encounters of large gravitational objects that cause massive tidal waves thousands of feet high. Living in the upper atmosphere in a higher dimension would allow living beings like us to escape such disasters.

Obviously they need us or they would have exterminated us long ago. It seems we enrich their lives by vicariously experiencing our emotions. Much like we watch violence, dramatic action and drama on television they look in our daily lives to experience our trials and tribulations and laugh at our stupidity. To them we are like watching the Fox channel. Apparently, we are a binary simbioent. We are they and they are we, only in a higher energy state. We are obviously symbiotic with them as evidenced by our need to believe in a higher power (religion) and our need for prayer. Such a life is not without problems. Any society that has evolved to the point where it can read minds and receive messages from the collective is restrictive and stagnating. One has to constantly guard his or her wrong thoughts. Wrong thinking might be punishable by expulsion to the earth’s surface or worse yet, Hell located beneath the earth’s crust. Thousands of years of controlling one’s thoughts and emotions might lead to loosing one’s emotions entirely. They might acquire a sort of bland mental state, not caring and having few emotions. Over time for lack of stimulation they might become cruel even sadistic. Human emotions can be beautiful but they also contain the potential for violence and destruction. Obviously the beings living aboard the higher dimensional ships see the need for human emotions and have elected to let us live here on earth with little or no interference or supervision. They gave us dominion over all the animals and plants and we are screwing up the world again. It seems that they enjoy our emotions vicariously and in return they have assumed the role as our protectors defending us from other alien interference. Whenever some outside alien race decides to interfere with our lives they step forward out of the higher dimensions to demonstrate the awesome powers that they possess; however I don’t believe they do this until we ask them for assistance.

A thousand years of living in a mind-control society would produce people with little of no emotion because you have to constantly guard your thoughts. People with little or no emotion might become heartless and more willing accomplices of the system. Cruelty would abound toward any dissenters and much like the Catholic Inquisition, torture, and murder would be commonplace. In other words it could be a living hell or it could be Heaven depending on how you look at it. Maybe this is the reason why only the pure of heart are accepted into Heaven and the wrong thinkers are condemned to Hell here on earth. Our government wants to enslave us completely today but they haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

The One World government now wants to reinstate the mind-control society; only this time they plan to use crude electronic implants and the HAARP transmitter. Such implants could contain a microgram of explosive. When they decide to terminate you all they have to do is push a button and boom your head disappears. You had better watch what you are thinking or else.

Its time we became a type one civilization again, transcend ignorance, repression, greed, envy and lust for power, and get on with the business of colonizing other planets for the purpose of spreading intelligent life and benevolent life forms throughout the Universe. The status quo freaks are the enemy. They would kill everybody off to keep things as they are. This is contrary to what it means to be human. In order to become more human one need to grow, explore, and learn new things.

Higher dimensions are easy enough to attain. When you completely fill an atom’s electron orbits and add one more you kick it up to the next dimension disappearing from the third dimension. The ORME particles are easily pushed up to higher dimensions because they have so many electrons (double the number of a normal atom), and are easily sped up beyond light speed by a dimensional frequency field. ORME atoms extracted from dirt using the alkaline solution will have all kinds of regular atoms along with the ORME particles. Each one is a tiny time machine existing in it’s own separate dimension. When you think about them they respond by giving off electrons and the regular atoms around them are kicked up in energy thereby transmuting them to the ORME state where they work together as one creating a dimensional bubble. Anything that is within this dimensional bubble does not attract to gravity and included in the dimensional time field. 

We have come a long way since the dark ages of the inquisition but we may still be on the wrong evolutionary path. The One World Government people want us to go back to the old system of Heritage, rule, rank, and privilege of the middle ages. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. Mankind has no chance of advancement under such a totalitarian system of government. America was the world’s last great hope to crawl out of the slime of a stagnating, Fascist, bureaucracy.

Although many of Tesla’s ideas were scoffed at during his lifetime the military and many governments around the world are now seeking them. Tesla’s ideas of electric death rays and particle beam weapons are now being used in space. UFOs have always been around as evidenced by various passages in the Bible. After the beginning of the 20th century their numbers increased greatly. Its as if we have suddenly become more interesting to them. Our military on the other hand perceived them to be a threat because of the blatant way they could fly around and they couldn’t do anything about it. This is one of the reasons why the military must deny their existence. If they admitted that UFOs actually existed then they would have to admit that they couldn’t do their job of protecting us from them. The very definition of a bureaucrat is: "a bureaucrat can never admit a wrong.” They will never admit that they cannot do the job they are assigned to do no matter how incompetent they may appear.

The opportunity is offered within the scope of this project is multi-dimensional in quality. It utilizes all levels or dimension of the human aptitude in its focus of modifying the human perception or experience as those involved move through transcending from the present point of experience into the next level or dimension. Dimension is the preferred description  for it indicates a more holographic concept. Level implies flat. The circumstances of manifested awareness in a human body are not experienced as level or flat. It is the addition of emotion that adds the dimensional quality to manifested awareness. (Indeed, there are those beings that do not have emotion as part of their experience and they desire greatly to add this dimension to their experience pattern.) It is important that the concept of dimension included in the conceptualizing of the new paradigm.

There is a vast number of sick, One World Government, psycho, Hitlerian types who think that there are too many people on earth. Their agenda is to kill off most of us so that they can mold the world the way they think it should be.

Aside from conquering disease and increasing out knowledge, power, and the ability to bring human reproduction into balance with earth’s resources, the major nations of our planet are desperately engaged in hammering out treaties to avoid nuclear holocaust that might forever extinguish all trace of man in the universe. We posses this capability, plus the freedom to choose either course. Either we accept fully the responsibilities of stewardship of our fragile, delicately balanced planet or we do not.

The call to become a master is a tremendous decision. Once the power begins to manifest within a person he has to retain conscious thought at all times otherwise he might accidentally cause harm to another. If you are a master healer and wipe out cancer and other diseases saving thousands of lives you still may go wrong. One of the humans you saved could invent a new weapon that kills millions. Life holds no guarantees. The discovery that the Anunnaki gods lived on Earth does not destroy religion. Religion is about the spiritual bonds that connect us to nature and one another. The very first religion on earth before the Anunnaki came here was animism. An animist is one who discovers that the universe is made out of spirit. Conscience is the stuff that the universe is made of and our conscience is only a small part of it. Shamans have come to this realization thousands of years before the gods came from outer space. In other words, God was busy long before Moses crossed the Red Sea.

When people decide to frantically pursue their own greed, ambition and self-interest regardless of the welfare of others then disorder quickly sets into that community. A corporate power struggle can tear apart an otherwise good business. A takeover bid can leave many unemployed and corporations that drive competitors out of business pursuing ruthless ambitions cause much grief. Even in churches, when ecclesiastical politics and ―hard business decisions‖ take over an organization or a denomination, then ―disorder and every evil thing seems to invade like storm-troopers. Years of pain often follow such a shift in focus.

The battle against the World is a lot bigger than just not wearing lipstick. It‘s a battle against principalities and powers who control world trade and nations and armies and who are filled with murderous greed. It‘s a battle against Rome of old, and ancient Babylon and the wickedness in high places. It‘s a battle that requires a finely honed conscience and the ability to see past publicity and propaganda right to the spiritual heart of world events and to pray and act accordingly.

We are to move away from the visceral and self-defeating reactions of the fight or flight response to the noble, practical, solution-focused and faith-filled responses of the sanctified believer. The instrument for doing this is the mind. The mind is the only part of our consciousness that we can focus and deploy. We can use it to stop automatic responses and to master our emotions. We can focus it on God and things above and be connected to His eternal power. We can use it to search for positive faith-filled solutions to pressing needs so as to give glory to God. The disciplined, focused mind is the only instrument we have to bring us out of our messy emotions and into life and peace. Mastery is the only wise alternative and mastery comes from the mind and the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.

The attacks on people throughout the nation and world vary, where the technology ranges from implanted in the body devices emitting deadly energy to other techniques of implanted in the body tracking devices to allow them to be efficiently stalked by authorities teams of harassers and also tracking devices to allow the use of deadly radar beams to be sent into their bodies location. The general issue is that the people are having their immune systems traumatized to destroy their health and minds. Many of the victims report torture level pain in a virtual sentence of death.
There are several thousand people over the last 15 or so years telling of their being attacked and or used in human experiments that have destroyed their lives, these people were leading normal lives and suddenly their world was turned upside down by State authorized authorities making up for their state budgets deficits by designating people falsely to be “incompetent” and selling the victimized people for use in human experiments for profit. The old saying is, “if you follow the money the truth will be found”; the money motive is a part of the issue of why a person is chosen, because the states need money and they also have men and women without conscience that will do whatever they are ordered to do.
Some of those who are being experimented on have made an effort to get the problem resolved by going to court. That may seem like the intelligent response to do, to get something so offensive to stop, but it has been a nightmare for those making the attempt in court; due to another set of authorities laws and policy and case law that support State authorities allowance to lie compounding the problem. Such that the authorities can legally deny all knowledge of the activity, leaving the victim without any ability to get to the truth unless their court case is properly structured. To most of you who read this, it may seem impossible the authorities are allowed to lie in consideration of what's being complained about, but the issue has been decided in court cases that have found for State authorities being allowed to lie while in pursuit of a “lawful investigation” of a suspect/human subject; where in our case we are talking about the authorities pursuit of a person who is a human experiment. Licensed with the state professionals are not supposed to help or aid a victimized person to expose the activity, professionals who don't want to go along could be subject to retaliation by authorities, in being threatened with jail or loose their license to enforce secrecy; such threats have no real weight and those professionals that go along are guilty of conspiracy to defraud. That anybody can have the State step in and seize them as their guardian by nominating the person incompetent secretly without notice is inherently illegal and on the opposing side supported that it is illegal by case law. The licensed professionals are not free from responsibility, they are actionable and not free from liability where they are silent or go along with authorities, on the basis of the egregious nature of the actions authorized by authorities. What is being done to people in the 50 states, is against their guaranteed state Constitutions Civil Rights of persons. These are some of the reasons for all the secrecy by authorities, being they can be stopped and the authorities know that, their main objective is to keep victims from going to court and that is their highest priority.

People everywhere from every demographic of society, in thousands of communities are being attacked inside their own homes and apartments by silent electronic weapons. Once thought to be untrue, has finally been proven to be true using an advanced laboratory grade instrument. You as a citizen are being kept from the news about this Nazi like crime and should be concerned and become active in spreading the word that such things are going on. A private research investigation spanning the last six years costing almost 1/2 million dollars resulted in discovering the proper detection method that shows that people complaining of being attacked by silent electronic weapons are being hit with near lethal levels of energy on purpose; to destabilize their immune systems, mental health and sabotage their jobs as well. Those attacked report that the early signs were insomnia and acid reflux, along with a myriad of other very common ailments. 

Their goal is multiple and they are the New World Order as they themselves define themselves, evil in nature and structured in the medieval way generally with kings and vassals and knights and we all the peasants if we do not have rank in their evil empire, they consider us mere livestock. At this precipitous time in history there are many events forcing mankind on the brink of cataclysm from nuclear war via nuclear proliferation, the known thinning of the North Pole and the environmental after effects that are known to follow, these two things alone have spawned an evil policy for removal of a serious percentage of the population coupled with the toppling of the free country Americans who in their ideology of freedom represent a threat to the policy being stuffed down the publics throat. The media do stories about what they are told to say, and now because of the internet we are finding out what they have been hiding, which is that those in charge are guilty of serious crimes of human rights abuse here at home.
Truth is that the policy is a product of greed wherein those in the old boy power network refused to allow technical fixes out of the bag so to say; the US and European Patent offices are filled with technology that easily with very little development can end all the peoples problems, that now because these inventions were ignored has accelerated the destruction of the warming of the worlds ice which will cause tremendous problems and refusal to allow technical fixes has caused the using up of natural resources which are necessary to support the worlds population. Such statements together with outright greed have spawned the evil policy of secret genocide ( think tanks say the less people the better ). How you ask can something like that which is described here exist and go on undetected; simply put " National Security " . Your right to know under current legal dogma enacted amounts to the following fact; all facets of government are under " Admiralty Law " and this is known to exist under the current US system of law only and by the very display of a fringed flag in all court rooms throughout the US. heady stuff to understand what I say is true and it is. The web site your on is for the purpose of exposing the activities of the group described here at the preface.
The secret genocide has been well thought through as a means to keep you and the mass population of the nation from discovering the truth which is millions have been killed and millions are being killed using the most obviously attacked by the electronic device described earlier. The method of hiding something so insidious being done out in the open is pure evil genius. They attack many many people out in the open to promote several agendas. One and the primary agenda is to demonstrate what they want people to understand are the symptoms of being bombarded with electronic weapons, they have such people being attacked out in the open with such extraordinary symptoms that the massive population will see those symptoms as a definition of an attack and never make the connection that the very common and non serious seemingly everyday symptoms they are experiencing are not at all related to such attacks, but they are and seriously so. The second agenda is to cause fear not in the massive population who are being kept from the truth because its under " National Security " regulations to enforce non reporting but to put deep fear into all authorities that such activity can and will go on despite even their authoritarian complaint which is stifled and generates an aura and reality of the criminals being untouchable.

There exist not, upon the face of the earth, a better organized dictatorship, and which has maintained herself for so many centuries, than the Fascist political state of the Vatican. She has known how to use the name of Christianity astutely, and has willed to represent Christian values thus confusing and deceiving millions. When the reality is . . . that her works and corruption could never represent the true Christian Church. Her satanic offices, bearing the most sacred names, still function, in this 20th century, as well or better than in the previous, bloody centuries, and all of them divide the millions in offerings, which should go to the poor and needy: if so be that they really want to fulfill the evangelical precepts. 

The moment is come, in the new democracies, to expose without fear of excommunications or censures, the realities of the corruption of Vatican state, a multination enterprise that in the name of Christianity is become rich belong dreams, and which still contuse to fill up her coffers at the expense of the ignorance and punishments of conscience which she imposes up her faithful adherents. 

The secrecy maintained by the Catholic Church in all her dioceses, and the consequent ignorance of faithful Catholics about the Vatican's finances, bank investments, thefts, and misuse of offerings, which one thinks, upon offering them to God, will be well administered and distributed among the millions of hungry, naked, sick, poor, and needy masses of the world, is the main reason why offerings go to the enrichment of her hierarchies, to control governments and economies, take over education, possess millions of shares in Markets and Stock Exchanges the world over, and the purchase and sale of multination enterprises, which today compete with, excel, and make up the richest nations on earth, whether capitalist or otherwise. 

The Vatican is just another Political Party, and National Catholicism, when it's convenient, is just an extreme right, extreme left, moderate, or Capricious Party with the sole objective of staying in power and monopolizing as many riches as possible, both of her ignorant parishioners and of the equally ignorant Political, religious, educational, financial, or Press Parties; all of which have allowed themselves to be manipulated by the Vatican's representatives. 

The Catholics, from cradle to grave, and then beyond, are but business commodities used by THE MOTHER OF ABOMINATIONS so her Popes and hierarchies can live the dolche vitta, in sin, vice, corruption, and pervesion, persecuting Jesus Christ's true sheep, instigating wars, crusades; and as John very well says in Revelation 17:3-6 a woman decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abomination and filthiness of her fornication and drunken with the blood of the Saints (Christians), and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that You be not partakers of her sins, and that You receive not of her plagues....). 
The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long torture sessions, and sex with animals. - See more at:
The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long torture sessions, and sex with animals. - See more at:
The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long torture sessions, and sex with animals. - See more at:

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